Fish and lemon are a natural pairing: The tart citrus enlivens the flavor of a delicate sauteed halibut topped with a reduced lemon sauce and slices of...
This shrimp recipe from Emeril Legasse is super simple and comes together easily-the lemon juice and herbs really put it over the top. Serve with corn...
Think baked fish is boring? One taste of this catch of the day, and you'll be hooked. Thinly slice the squashes so they cook as swiftly as the cod or halibut,...
We loved this recipe with halibut steaks. You can also make it with salmon steaks or Pacific cod. Serve this healthful, clean-tasting main dish with asparagus;...
You'll only taste wild trout if you catch them yourself-all others are farm raised. Wherever you get it, trout that you panfry with lemon will be a delicious...
Glaze salmon with a sweet-and-tart mixture of brown sugar, red-wine vinegar, and shallots that brightens the rich fish for a quick and delicious springtime-inspired...
This flavorful chilled fish dish from Blue Ribbon restaurant co-owners Bruce and Eric Bromberg is a favorite of both their mother and grandmother. Serve...
A family favorite, that's fish and chips. This oven-baked recipe pairs maximal flavor with minimal effort -- the oven does the work. Use cod or your favorite...
Choose best-quality tuna that's packed in olive oil for this dish. Even after draining it, you'll get moister, richer results than if you used water-packed...
Salmon is full of protein, vitamin A, and omega fatty acids, which are essential to the proper functioning of the heart and brain. This recipe for ginger...
On the hottest of summer days, it's best to leave the oven off as much as possible. This salad for dinner recipe has you use the stovetop just once-to...
Celebrate the end of summer with a New Orleans-style shrimp boil. In this traditional one-pot dish, the shrimp, corn, and potatoes are cooked together...
This method of cooking salmon makes for such tasty fish that you might want to serve it on its own. Just follow the first two steps, and serve the fillet...